The Rise of the New Coffee Class

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The New Gold Standard

Think about the last time you got paid to drink coffee? What? Wait! You mean you PAY for coffee, but […]

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One of the perks of being an Organo Gold Distributor are the many great group outings and training events that […]


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  Russia Tour Proves Organo Gold: A Truly Global Business and International Language for All


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Shane Morand has returned to Canada after a phenomenally successful Organo Gold training session in Moscow, where he provided valuable coaching to Organo Gold’s up-and-coming leaders from Russia, the Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other parts of the world.

At the mentorship session on September 13 in Moscow, Morand and the other OG team members who traveled to Russia for the event were greeted by over 100 Distributors who had already qualified as Sapphires or above — an impressive number in light of the fact that the company launched in Russia just eight months ago. “People are hungry to learn, they are hungry for this opportunity,” says Morand.

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公平交易委員會新聞資料         102年8月29日


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