
5 Ways Organic Green Tea Is Good For A Happy Heart and Healthy Lifestyle


Two cups with red heartWe heart OG Organic Green Tea for so many reasons. But it could just be your best accessory in relationships and living a healthy, happy life! Here are some the amazing ways this drink can help you feel better, and happier.

  1. Ward-Off Cardiovascular Disease. (That’s medical speak for “healthy heart”!) How so? Green tea can help prevent build-up in arteries and block the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LCL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL).
  2. Boost Immunity. The polyphenols and flavonoids found in green tea can help your body stay strong and fight against infections — which could help contribute to a long and happy life with your loved ones.
  3. Promote Longevity. Polyphenols, which are green tea’s primary antioxidant, fight against free radicals which helps your body fight against aging. So we say three cheers — and three cups of tea — to this anti-aging idea!
  4. Compounds in Green Tea Can Make You Smarter! The combination of the naturally occurring caffeine in green tea with the amino acid L-theanine can help improve brain function, increase focus and concentration and even help ease anxiety, according to many studies.
  5. Lower Blood Pressure. Green tea has been found to repress angiotensin, which spikes blood pressure levels. And who isn’t happier in life with lower blood pressure?



Permalink | Tags: Green Tea, OG, organic, Organo Gold







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